Thursday, August 16, 2007

New Letter from Billie Joe and Adrienne "The 11th hour"

I got this in my inbox.


Dear Carnage,

Last week, Adrienne and I went to the premiere of "The 11th
Hour," Leonardo DiCaprio's new documentary film. The movie is
really great. You should check it out (it opens in New York and
Los Angeles on Friday the 17th, and in other cities later this

"The 11th Hour" is intense. It tells us the truth that nobody
wants to hear: that human beings, especially greedy corporate
executives and their politician cronies, are responsible for
putting our planet in serious danger. If things don't change
soon, life on Earth may not survive. It has to be this
generation that breaks the chain between the polluting
corporations and the crooked politicians, this generation that
changes its habits so there's something left for other species
and the people who come after us.

There IS hope. We can make changes in our everyday lives, and
most of the technology we need to move forward, we already have
today. What we really need is the leadership, and the will, to
change. You can see the movie trailer at
Go see the movie.

Thanks for your past GreenDay + NRDC activism. Remember, you can
always visit the site at
to take more actions and learn about changes you can make to
help save the planet.


Billie Joe Armstrong
Green Day + NRDC

Do your part and help the world. Go see this movie which premires tomorrow.


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