Thursday, August 23, 2007

Ign's preview of Forge

This might be the coolest addition to Halo 3. We've seen the map editor, and it was great. Four player co-operative play online is a big plus. But the Forge has us picturing a Halo 3 with limitless possibilities. At the Leipzig Games Convention, Bungie's Brian Jarrard showed us this Forge, Halo 3's tricked out map editor. He also showed a few other things we hadn't seen yet and talked more about the campaign scoring system. But first, we have to talk about the Forge.

The Forge isn't a map editor like you've seen in other games before. This editing tool doesn't allow you to warp the terrain or move major objects, those will stay just where Bungie put them. Rather, the Forge allows you to drop in any of the weapons, objects, vehicles, spawn points, or tools present in the Halo 3 world. If you think a map needs a flamethrower in a specific place and it's not there yet, the Forge will grant you your wish. If you want all of the spawn points for one team to be located within a small building, the Forge can make that happen. To keep things from overtaxing the memory, each map has a maximum amount of dollars that can be spent on it. Likewise, each object you can drop has a cost associated with it. A gun might cost $2 while a large vehicle up to $40.

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