Saturday, August 4, 2007

Halo 3 forge details

These are the details on the feature in Halo 3 called Forge other known as "map editor". Here are the details:

>Map editor (you're not making your own maps though)
> Does not support geometry creation, or texture modification
> Allows you to remove and place any items or vehicles or spawn points or objectives, etc... anywhere on the existing maps
> For things like weapons you can tweak their respawn timer and ammo count and other minor things
> You can have multiple people work in the Forge editor over Xbox Live!
> You can also dynamically switch from creation mode to playing mode and run around in the game.
> If you are "playing" in Forge and have other players in it, they can still change things! For instance, if you have a friend making a pyramid of fusion cores, you can return to "play" mode and lob a grenade in to destroy all his work!
> Make your own kind of games in forge. Bungie gives the example of grab the mongoose. One player rides a mongoose while everyone else tries to grab it out from under him by removing it in Forge! Another is like a magic carpet ride where one player will stand on a object and a forge monitor will drag it along making the player ride it through the air.
> Finally Bungie talked about how you can kind of make it into a real-time strategy game (RTS) where you set up "teams" where each team has a monitor creating items for his team to use.
>After editing/making a level you can upload it and anyone can download it.

Also i got a scan of the new vehicle called "The Elephant" its a moving base which carries the flags vehicles and team. credit goes to xbox family

Posted by:CarnageXB Visit our:Forum

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