Friday, August 10, 2007

Halo 3: Burn, Baby! Burn!

It's one of the most infamous screenshots in Xbox history. An early screen grab showed Master Chief wielding a flamethrower. That awesome weapon never made it into the original Halo or Halo 2, much to the chagrin of fans. Good news Halo faithful, Master Chief will finish the fight packing the ultimate Covenant toasting device. The flamethrower has made its way into Halo 3. You may now call in sick the week of September 25.Along with first details on the flamethrower, Bungie also revealed a new incendiary grenade, the firebomb. With these two weapons -- featured in both the campaign and multiplayer -- gamers can set the Halo universe on fire.


Bungie originally planned to include the flamethrower in Halo 2, but decided its removal was necessary. "It wasn't just balance in Halo 2, it was also performance," Bungie lead writer Frank O'Connor told IGN. "Obviously the 360 makes things like that significantly easier. In Halo 3, we can control where it goes a lot better. [The flamethrower] obviously features a lot in campaign. But in multiplayer it doesn't have to be in every multiplayer playlist and map." And if Bungie finds that the flamethrower is overpowering a map or gametype, it can easily be removed.The flamethrower does things that just weren't possible in Halo 2. This is, more or less, a living flame. "If you shoot a pillar, the liquid in the flamethrower will adhere to it and burn there," O'Connor explained. "Likewise with the floor and with bad guys. It will cause continual damage to a vehicle. When the flames start to cool down and evaporate, it stops causing damage. If you're lucky enough to keep it on a Warthog, then you will in fact take it down with a flamethrower."

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